What are the symptoms of Ambient Vision Dysfunction?
This is a condition that results from brain injury and involves many concurrent symptoms.
· Disorientation
· Inability to maintain visual contact
· Difficulties with posture & balance
· Difficulties with concentration
· Reading Difficulties
· Difficulties with shifting gaze from one point to another
· Sensitivity to light and noise
· Nausea and dizziness
· Difficulties with visually busy environments
Ambient Vision Dysfunction explained:
There are two distinct processes or pathways in the brain, the ambient process and the focal process. The ambient process is responsible for the ability to organize oneself in space for balance and movement. The focal process is used to focalize on detail such as looking at a traffic light.
The ambient visual process frequently becomes dysfunctional and disorganised after a neurological event such as a brain injury. Patients can experience visual symptoms of dizziness and balance problems and even a tendency to lean to one side, forward and/or backward.
What can we do?
Treatment is focused on creating more order and interaction between the focal and ambient processes. Specially designed prisms and partial selective occlusion of spectacle lenses are often prescribed. Vision Therapy may be useful in conjunction with lens and prism solutions to reduce symptoms.