Did you know that two-thirds of visual impairment occur in women?

This is mainly due to the fact that women typically live longer than men, making women more susceptible to Age-related Macular Degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma. Women are also more likely to suffer with autoimmune conditions which often come with visual problems.

What should women be doing to protect their vision? Here are 10 key points to remember!

1.     Check your blood sugar levels and know your blood pressure.

2.     Get an annual comprehensive eye examination.

3.     Eat a healthy diet to lower the risk of eye disease. This includes citrus, greens, oily fish, eggs, nuts and beans. Boost your nutrient intake with supplements when required.

4.     Maintain a healthy weight and manage chronic conditions such as diabetes.

5.     Don’t Smoke. Smoking is linked to AMD (Age Related Macular Degeneration), cataracts and glaucoma.

6. Use polycarbonate safety goggles or shields - approved protective eyewear to protect your eyes when playing sports, or working on a job that involves risk of eye damage.

7. If you’re a cyclist, wear a helmet. Concussions can severely affect your ability to read, write and function effectively.

8. Use cosmetics safely. Use cosmetics that have been ophthalmologically tested and avoid eyelash extensions over the long-term. These are breeding grounds for bacteria and can result in permanent lash loss.  

9. Wear sunglasses. They help protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can increase your risk of cataracts, skin cancer around the eyes and AMD.

10. There are over 350 genetic eye conditions. Know your family history and keep your optometrist informed.