Headaches: Is it my eyes?

Headaches: Is it my eyes?

Headaches are a complex and common patient complaint for all Optometrists. A comprehensive eye exam can highlight a variety of eye-related issues that may be causing headaches. Here are a few considerations:

Vision & Aging

Vision & Aging

Of our five senses, which are you most afraid of losing?

Cigarette Smoking & Vision

Cigarette Smoking & Vision

Cigarette smoke is extremely toxic, containing as many as 4 000 active compounds including tar, formaldehyde and heavy metals. Most of us are aware of the adverse effects of cigarette smoking on the body but smoking harms every organ of the body and the eyes are not exempt from it.

Could it be Dyslexia?

Could it be Dyslexia?

Kids learn at different paces. But if your child has been struggling with reading and writing for a while, what you’re seeing could be signs of dyslexia. 

Dry Eyes & Seasonal Changes

Dry Eyes & Seasonal Changes

If your eyes a frequently scratchy, irritated and red, you may be suffering from symptoms of Dry Eye and with the change of season this may be more complicated than it seems.

The Importance of Sunglasses

The Importance of Sunglasses

The dangers of excessive sun exposure and ultraviolet radiation are evident with threatening skin conditions, however its effect on the eye is equally relevant as it is to the rest of the body.

Kids and Contact Lenses - Is your child ready?

Kids and Contact Lenses - Is your child ready?

As an optometrist one of the questions I frequently get asked is “from what age can my child wear contact lenses?” There appears to be a widespread perception that contact lenses are unsuitable for young children. This is not actually true, read on. 

Shortsightedness - Is Your Child at Risk?

Shortsightedness - Is Your Child at Risk?

If you've had to wear glasses throughout childhood you may be concerned about the causes of shortsightedness and whether your own children are doomed to being shortsighted, too. In this article, we explore Myopia in children.


What every parent should know about eye exams

What every parent should know about eye exams

Most parents are accustomed to booking regular dental checkups for their children. However they do not realize that a child should also have regular eye exams even if they do not wear glasses. Undiagnosed vision problems can have a serious effect on a child’s development, learning ability and athletic performance.

Struggling to Learn?

Struggling to Learn?

Children navigate more complex learning environments now than they did twenty to thirty years ago. The expectations seem to be higher but our tools for assisting children are also more numerous and more readily available.

What is a "lazy" eye?

What is a "lazy" eye?

Parents often mention the term “lazy eye” in our optometric practice, however few people really understand the word. The term “lazy eye” is misleading, as the eye is not lazy at all.