What are the symptoms of eye-deviation or squint?
· One eye visibly turns inwards or outwards, upwards or downwards.
· The turning of the eye may be constant or intermittent.
· The same eye always turns or the two eyes alternate.
· Double vision that is constant or intermittent.
Eye deviation explained:
When you have double vision, it means that both eyes are not working together. Double vision is a result of the two eyes not pointing in the same place at the same time. Double vision can happen occasionally when you are tired or it can be present all the time.
When your eyes are working properly, it requires the coordination of complex systems of nerves, muscles, eyes and your brain. Usually, your eyes are able to focus, point and fixate on things in the world in sync with each other and the two images that each eye sees are fused together in your brain to present a three dimensional view of the world.
However, if for any reason, one or both eyes cannot synchronize, then double vision is likely to occur, as the brain is receiving two very different images that it cannot fuse together into a three dimensional scene.
Nerve palsies can lead to paralysis or loss of coordination of one or more muscles that control the position of the eyes and how they work together. There are various underlying causes and they include brain injury, infections or stroke.
Double vision is very distressing and makes everyday tasks extremely difficult.
Depending on the cause, double vision may go away on its own, or may require medical intervention and treatment. Unfortunately, some causes of double vision are irreversible, like stroke, nerve palsy, other brain injury but at Eyetek we are able to work with you to minimise or eliminate double vision and make daily living easier.
What can we do?
Double vision almost always linked to underlying issues that must be investigated. Depending on the cause of the problem, some instances of double vision resolve on their own but double vision is distressing and difficult to live with. Your optometrist may prescribe prism spectacles that mitigate the double vision or make it less frequent. Bi-nasal or bi-temporal tape application on your daily spectacles, applied in a very specific way, is a simple yet effective method to reduce double vision in some cases. In severe instances, when no prism is effective, a block-out spectacle lens over one eye can relieve double vision allowing patients a more natural visual experience.